Download Nami Exchange mobile application

Download from application stores for iOS and Android OS devices

With iOS devices

Step 1: On the App Store, search with the keyword "Nami Exchange" then select the Nami application as the below picture.

In addition, you can quickly access it via the link:

Step 2: Click the download button and wait for the installation to complete.

With Android OS devices

Step 1: On Google Play Store, search with the keyword "Nami Exchange" then select the Nami application as the below picture.

Alternatively, you can quickly access it via the link:

Step 2: Click the download button and wait for the installation to complete.

Download from Nami Exchange website

At the homepage of the Nami Exchange website, please follow these 2 steps to download the application.

Step 1: Click "Download App"

Step 2: Choose between options to download the application:

  • Click App Store or Google Play to get the app from stores
  • Scan QR code for automatically downloading