NAMI token officially listed on CoinMarketCap


In order to increase the convenience of users in tracking the fluctuations of the NAMI token, from 08:00 on April 12, 2022 (UTC) NAMI token has been officially listed on CoinMarketCap.

NAMI token tracking address: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nami-corporation-token/

The listing of NAMI token on CoinMarketCap - the world's leading cryptocurrency information website - is part of the roadmap to bring NAMI token closer to the Vietnamese and international community, thereby, enhancing its value and community trust with this token. In the near future, other trading pairs of NAMI tokens will be updated in turn on CoinMarketCap in order to continue to create more convenience for the community to own NAMI tokens.

Detailed information about NAMI token:
- Token name: Nami Corporation token
- Symbol: NAMI
- Blockchain: Ethereum, KardiaChain and BSC
- Standard: ERC-20, KRC-20 and BEP-20
- Smart Contract ERC-20:0x2f7B618993cc3848d6C7ed9CdD5e835E4Fe22b98
- Smart Contract KRC-20: 0xA43B455F935A7f4184B5B8Aa345e22DbA3bBb286
- Smart Contract BEP-20: 0x42Fa9f0a91Cd338f5Ad277Aa0BebD5f2cCd50643
- Total Circulating Supply: 50,125,360 NAMI
- Max Supply: 50,125,360 NAMI
- Total NAMI Circulation (ERC-20): 35,125,360 NAMI
- Total NAMI Circulation (KRC-20): 10,000,000 NAMI
- Total NAMI Circulation (BEP-20): 5,000,000 NAMI

About CoinMarketCap:

CoinMarketCap is the most referenced website for tracking the prices of cryptocurrencies around the world in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market. The mission of this website is to make cryptocurrencies easily accessible and effectively referencing information globally by empowering users to provide information unbiased from high quality and precise news source.

About Nami Corporation

Nami Corp. is a FinTech startup operating in the field of Investment and Technology based on Blockchain technology. Over the years, Nami has developed an ecosystem of key products and services to comprehensively support investors, optimize community benefits with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.


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Or website: https://nami.exchange/

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