Instructions to transfer money from Exchange wallet to Futures wallet and vice versa


When deposited, the asset will be in the Exchange wallet. To transfer money from Exchange wallet to Futures wallet, users login and do the following steps:

Transfer on Nami App

Step 1: Select “Wallet” icon in the lower right corner of the screen:

Step 2: Choose “Transfer”:

Step 3: The default interface is to switch from Exchange wallet to Futures wallet, click on the (1) icon to switch back.

Step 4: Select the type of token you want to transfer (2).

Step 5: Enter the amount of tokens to transfer (3) or select Max.

Step 6: Select “Transfer” to confirm the transaction.

Transfer on website

Step 1: Select “Wallet” in the upper right corner of the screen, select “Overview”.

Step 2: Select “Transfer”:

Step 3: Select the sender and the receive wallet. Unlike the application interface, users have to choose manually if they want to switch back on the website interface

Step 4: Select the type of token you want to transfer.

Step 5: Enter the amount of tokens to be transferred or select “Max”.

Step 6: Select “Transfer” to confirm the transaction.

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