Convert odd coins to NAMI token


What is 'Dust' (odd coin)?

In the cryptosphere, the term ‘dust’ refers to a very small number of coins or tokens. This number is so small that it is often forgotten or ignored by users. Bitcoin, which can be broken down to 100 million satoshi units, means that 1 satoshi would be equivalent to 0.00000001 bitcoin. In fact, bitcoin volumes less than a few hundred satoshis can already be considered 'dust'. These volumes are often less than the cost required to trade or deposit between wallets.

Most exchanges will set a minimum trading volume requirement, and these odd coins/tokens will no longer be tradable.

To solve this problem, Nami Exchange now allows users to convert odd-numbered coins/tokens into NAMI - the governance token in the Nami Corporation ecosystem.

How to convert?

Step 1: Step 1: At the interface screen “Wallet” select exchange wallet details

Step 2: Select the button “Convert small balance to NAMI”.

Step 3: When the screen displays the message “Confirmation of conversion” including information about the amount, type of asset to be converted and the actual amount of NAMI tokens received. Users need to press confirm within 5 seconds interval.

Step 3: After the screen displays a list of coins/tokens with a small balance (here are coins that do not meet the minimum trading volume). Users need to mark at the beginning of the line the coins/tokens that need to be converted.

Step 4: After successful conversion, users can click the "View history" button to check the transaction details just made.

Step 5: After the screen switches to the conversion history interface, the user clicks on the transaction made on the screen to view the detailed display.

Note: Currently, the feature of converting small coins/tokens to NAMI tokens on the Nami Exchange is only available on the mobile application interface.

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